
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Review: Montagne Jeunesse - Chocolate masque

My thoughts and experience:  
They had me at chocolate... seriously! I like the idea of the single packs because they're less messy, travel friendly, and a great way to try out the product without having to purchase a whole thing. Once opened, it contained a thick whipped-cream-like mixture. It was super easy to spread on my face and smelled like semi-sweet chocolate. There was left over in the pack, almost enough to share the mask with someone else.

I left it on for about 30 minutes to let the mask completely dry. It got a little messy while I was washing off the chocolate masque. Afterwards, my face felt really soft and hydrated. I definitely will be purchasing more of these in the future. I've seen that they have a bunch of different ones at Walmart.


Retail Price: Starting at $1.39

Where to buy:; Walmart, most drugstore chains.

Have you tried any of their masks before?

Disclaimer: This product was purchased by me. I am not affiliated with the company, nor was I paid to do this review.  All reviews on SiSi Sparkles are my honest opinion, whether it was purchased or provided. See full disclaimer here.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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  1. I've seen this in our local drugstore too. Will give it a try ;)

  2. Nice review. Next time I'm in Walmart I will definitely be looking for this product.

  3. Wow a chocolate mask! something new to me, thanks for sharing =)

  4. I'm still not sure about this - because I have dry skin, it did not really seem to leave it moisturized, and I definitely needed moisturizer after use. I do love the smell though!

  5. This is one of my favorite masks to wear. Isn't it luxious?


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